Western New York Heritage

Winter 2015

Volume 17, Number 4

  • An Oasis with a View - Linwood Gardens (Jolene Zanghi)
  • Conflagration in the Cobblestone District: The Birge Factory Fire of 1880 (John Grandits)
  • Fighting Demon Drink in Fredonia: The Women's Temperance Crusade (Jaqueline Trace)
  • Martha Kellogg Jackson: Legendary Art Dealer (Stephen Kellogg)
  • Buffalo's Early Brewing Heritage: A Survey (John P. Eiss)
  • Another Look: Is a Replica True to Chautauqua's Mission? The Fight Over the Future of the Historic Chautauqua Amphitheater (Brian Berg)
  • Endnotes: Snowstorms - Past and Present (Douglas W. DeCroix)
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