Western New York Heritage

Summer 2020

Volume 23, Number 2

  • Trench Manufacturing: An Innovative Buffalo Company (Greg D. Tranter)
  • Searching for Robert: An Adventure in Doing Local History (Adrienne Kirby)
  • The Amherst Symphony Orchestra: 75 Years of Concerts and Community Connectivity (Sarah Pozzuto)
  • The Buffalo Courier-Express Mural: A 90-Year Journey (Tom Reigstad)
  • Cabin Fever-- Heritage-Style (Douglas W. DeCroix)
  • Old Photo Album: Hats Off to the Milliners (Noelle Wiedemer & Arlesa Shephard)
Call 716-893-4011 for special pricing if ordering a total of 5 or more past issues.
Quantity $12.65