Western New York Heritage

Spring 2007

Volume 10, Number 1

  • The Liberty Pole: An Album of Historic Images (Carl Burgwardt, Susan Eck, John H. Conlin)
  • F.W. Caulkins: Architect (John H. Conlin) 
  • Louis Le Couteulx: Gentleman (Judith Lopez del Moral) 
  • When Mexico Came to Buffalo: Miguel Lerdo de Tejada and his Orquesta Tipica (Jean Dickson)
  • Buffalo's Forgotten World War I Ace (Clarence Picard) 
  • Testament to Modernism: The Halfpenny House (John H. Conlin) 
  • History at Our Feet (John Maxfield Hague with Charles LaChiusa, Craig Carlyle Clarke and Paul M. Rooney) 
  • Last Look: The Wollenburg Elevator (Henry Baxter, Lorraine Pierro, and John H. Conlin)
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